For technical advice and information I would like to thank:
Andy Hillier of Dive Northampton, Angel.Aura, Archives of the State of Geneva, CERN Fire and Rescue Service, CERN Press Office, Colum de Sales Murphy, Dimitri Chichlo, Gene E. Benzenberg, Jez Palmer, Kewal (Kev) Ghag, Nebo Dimitrijevic, Patrick Ghion, retired members of the United Nations staff in Geneva (especially D.), scientists from CERN and universities around the world, Susan Law and Transports Publics Genevois.
Any remaining errors of fact are entirely my responsibility.
For the advice, constructive criticism, suggestions, education and moral support at various times over the years:
Aisha Ravat, Becky Watson, Capucine, Chris Hoskins, Chrispenycate, Elaine Williamson, Eloisia Grant, Emburmak, Eva Houlmann, Evelyne Brillon, Fill Up With Silence, Flo Swann, Frida, Gabriele Kerber, Ian Turner, Janice and Hannah Yelland-Sutcliffe, John Jarrold, Jrudder, Karen Milner, Kelvin Brown, Kesaira, Lauren ‘Poppinfresh’ Gallagher, Melanie Carty, members of the Coventry and Warwick Words Writers Groups, Pam Dunston, Pat Brown, Precise Calibre, R.J.Keith, Ross M, Roswitha, Emburmak, Tehun Lee, Tina Durkin, Ulla, Vicki, Yvette Bessels and Zubi-Ondo. Apologies to anyone I have missed.
And finally I thank the fathers of CERN for their wisdom in decreeing that “The Organization shall have no concern with work for military requirements and the results of its experimental and theoretical work shall be published or otherwise made generally available.”